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Deutscher Bildungsserver nimmt Ergebnisse des Projekts YOWOMO2.0 auf

Der von der europäischen Partnerschaft Youth Work Mobile 2.0 (YOWOMO2.0) geschaffene Kompetenzrahmen für Jugendarbeit im Zeitalter von Smartphones und…


Smartphones und Social Media in der Jugendarbeit

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Artikel über YOWOMO2.0 in „Der Pädagogische Blick“

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Youth Work Mobile 2.0 – YOWOMO2.0

Situations- und Problembeschreibung:

There is growing significance of mobile devices in people's everyday lives. According to Bitkom 93% of the mobile phones sold are smartphones. Smartphones are used for Entertainment (music, games, TV) - 33%, Communication (voice, SMS, eMail) - 28%, Web Surfing - 21%, Social Networking - 15%, and Camera - 3%. But the significance of mobile devices manifests itself also in the use of smartphones for "identity formation, social interaction, making meaning in and of the world, leisure pursuits" (Pachler, Seipold & Bachmair, 2012, p. 11). Especially young people use mobile devices as their main internet access and to use social media like Facebook which is the most relevant use case for young people. There is a danger that the development in technology use in everyday life can divide youth workers and their young clients depending on how familiar each group is with the use of mobile devices. This is often discussed in terms of "digital natives vs. digital immigrants", "Generation X, Y & Z", "digital divide", "generation gap", or using Sinus-Milieus (DIVSI Milieu Study on Trust and Security on the Internet, 2012). Youth workers, especially women, are usually not tech-savvy (digital immigrants, Generation X or Y) whilst young people are often early adopters of new technologies (digital natives, Generation Y or Z).

Zielgruppe und Ziel/ Auftrag:

The objective of this partnership is to develop a substantial framework of VET for youth workers that addresses the significance of smartphones and social media. The development focuses on the competences that youth workers need while the target group is shifting its behaviour.


The partnership Youth Work Mobile 2.0 (YOWOMO2.0) develops a framework for vocational and educational training of youth workers facing the growing significance of smartphones and social media in the life of their clients. The partnership of youth work organisations, vocational and educational training organisations and research and development organisations share the same problem awareness: There is a lack of a broader approach for VET that is based on the experience of elder, often female, not techsavvy youth workers who, on the one hand, are experienced professionals in youth work but on the other hand may not be digitally literate, especially in the current use of digital media and mobile devices. Based on the trans sectoral multi perspective approach taken by the collaboration of 12 organisations out of 8 countries the framework will reflect a wide range of cultural, social and economic circumstances to develop a substantial framework of VET for youth workers.


Youth Work Mobile 2.0 – YoWoMo 2.0 is an inititiative of HeurekaNet - Freies Institut für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation e.V., 12 active and 6 silent partners out of 8 countries in Europe were involved in the application procedure.




5 countries in Europe


Youth Work Mobile 2.0 – YoWoMo 2.0 is funded in the Lifelong Learning LEONARDO-programme.